

SKU: Envy-421 Category:



All pieces are handblown, sizes are approximate.
16″ Inline Pop Rocks Straight Tube/Vessel/Bong/Waterpipe Stemline Diffused Pop Rocks Perc 18mm Female Natural Joint 18mm Male Half Moon Ice Catch Heavy Wall 50x5mm Boro Schott Tubing Welded Stemline/Perc To Fortify Integrity Color Mouthpiece, Base, Perc, Bridge 18mm Male Slide/Cone Bowl Included Branded Tree Of Life

Additional Info

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Available in 13 colors

Amber Purple, Aqua, Blue Cheese, Blue Stardust, Green Stardust, Jet Black, Orange Crayola, Peacock, Pink Slyme, Purple Lollipop, Red Elvis, Slyme, Yellow Crayola